AI, Automation, and CPM - What are the AI trends for 2023?
Business software provider Advanced surveyed
over 5,000 senior decision makers to provide insights around changing working
priorities and practices across a range of industries. Their findings note
· AI is set to be a major trend in recruitment in
· 54% of business professionals in a recent survey
said that new technology was helping them with faster task completion
· 13% said that they have no formal approach to
performance management at all, while 20% have moved from traditional
performance management to a continuous (CPM) model
The HR function has been transformed by technology.
Software and AI give HR professionals more time to spend talking with people,
helping them with day-to-day issues, delivering effective Learning and
Development programmes and of course, managing hiring and onboarding processes.
Here, Arundale notes several key HR trends to watch out for in 2023.
Continuous performance management (CPM)
“CPM is the modern way for effectively managing
employees in remote, hybrid and flexible working environments. Frequent,
two-way communications around performance ensure that specific successes and/or
issues are not forgotten by the time an annual appraisal comes around.
“In a competitive market for skills, employees are
seeking the reassurance of effective and accurate performance management.
However, only 20% of businesses are already using CPM, with 65% still using
some form of annual appraisal and a surprising 13% have no formal approach to
performance management at all. We predict rapid adoption of CPM as employers
seek to implement more effective attraction and retention strategies.”
Artificial Intelligence
“AI is the big thing for recruitment in 2023.
Our Trends Survey shows
that 23% of HR professionals say they find it difficult to attract suitable
candidates for a role and only 10% say they do not struggle to make new hires.
AI can help employers identify the most suitable candidates, assessing soft
skills and body language, as well as helping to speed up the recruitment
process. The most successful strategies to use AI for hiring combine it with
the expertise, experience and intuition of HR recruitment professionals.”
“Automation is a game-changer. The Advanced Trends
Survey revealed that 54% of business professionals found
technology was helping them with faster task completion. Automated processes
avoid the need for long-winded and repetitive form-filling, allowing employees
to perform many of the day-to-day HR interactions for themselves, such as
organising annual leave or signing up for training courses. HR professionals
are ‘people’ people – they have great interpersonal skills and are most
effectively deployed when listening to and responding to employees directly,
rather than being caught up in manual admin processes.”
Cloud-based technology
“Cloud-based technology supports hybrid and
flexible working as files and information are available to all users, in real
time. Edits made by one person are seen immediately by colleagues, enabling
them to work collaboratively within the same documents and data. The pandemic
accelerated the move to the Cloud throughout 2020-2022, and organisations that
have yet to make the change will likely transition this year. Our survey shows
33% of business leaders were making Cloud-adoption a priority for 2023.”
Outlining their recent report, the Advanced site
notes “This is an undoubtedly challenging period for businesses. After two
years of struggling with the Pandemic and the remaining uncertainties of
post-Brexit commerce, the UK is now experiencing rocketing energy and fuel
costs. All this has contributed to a cost-of living crisis that is being felt
by individuals and businesses at all levels. The focus remains firmly on
achieving business growth and profit, at a time when organisations are finding
it more difficult than ever to attract and recruit talent and there is a record
number of unfilled job vacancies.”
About Advanced: Advanced
provides HCM and business software that makes a real difference to the way
people work, helping them to shine and be as productive and fulfilled at work
as possible.